Do some Zombie Yoga before Zombie Walk Vancouver…
Join us in this holistic practice of the Undead!!
We’ll explore the strange beauty of the grotesque through zombified yoga…
with classic Zombie poses:
Dead Child’s Pose
Downward Eating Dog
the quintessential Corpse Pose
and more!!
Zombie Yoga at Zombie Walk 2014 from littlewoo on Vimeo.
Imagine scenes from The Walking Dead when the zombies are not attacking humans and just being!
In a society where death and ugliness are tucked away and sterilized in cold rooms, we will be exploring decay, raw hunger and morbid humor through playful satire en masse.
Feeling a little stiff? No vigor in your rigor mortis?
Say goodbye to your post-mortem existential angst as
we put the OM back in Z’om’bie.
Newly dead are welcome! No experience required.
Cost: FREE
Hosted by Little Woo’s School of Evil…
Ask about our Zombie Yoga Teacher Certification Program!!