Soul Family to Soul Nation

As I thought about the popular notion of having a “soul family”, a larger hypothesis about the human condition started to form playfully in my mind.  Maybe it’s old news to sages across the ages or maybe it’s clever gibberish from my active imagination.  Either way, it is a ‘quick and dirty’ compendium of my perspective of energy dynamics. Some of this perspective was formed by my studies of the Laws of Manifestation while the rest was shaped by intuition and contemplation.

In this hypothesis, I envision our energetic realm being organized in what we would call “soul families, soul communities and soul nations” – somewhat like our physical realm except they are not grouped by blood, geography or country. Instead, they are aligned by vibrational essence.  In other words, diverse soul frequencies are grouped together through resonance or what I will call the “Resonance Factor”.  For example, a specific generation (born in the same era) is here to examine a set of high level themes and teachings together.  Thus an entire generation of humans is likely from the same “etheric nation” – having many commonalities despite obvious differences on an individual level.  At the same time, the Resonance Factor further organizes our energies into “soul communities” which may manifest as geographical communities, races or cultures.  This kind of vibrational sorting would continue down to the microcosmic level of “soul families” – the specific people we will actually engage with during our lifetime.

In each eco-system or vibrational field, the wide variance that naturally occurs within it is also managed by the Resonance factor. If a certain soul nation manifests during an era of world war, then the macrocosmic theme of War and Peace has a resonant field containing both Attackers and Defenders.  Resonance doesn’t just mean “like matches with like” – it also includes things that share a compatible vibration.  In the eco-system of War, attackers will unite but they also necessarily create Defenders in a dance of morbid compatibility.  Of course, gradients within this larger theme can be observed: we will find Attackers who use dense matter (guns) to Attackers who use subtle matter (words) and we will see Defenders who build protective forts to Defenders who build emotional walls.  On the larger scale, there will battles between countries and on the smaller scale, there will be the hostilities between lovers, families and communities.

Since the soul family, soul community and soul nation are all connected through an intricate web of energy and matter, then we all taste the bitter fruit of War when we sow seeds of Attack and Defense.   Thankfully, as our collective yearning for the sweet fruit of Peace grows, we shall increasingly dedicate our lives to sowing the seeds of Compassion and Cooperation.

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