My Past Life to My Last Life: Part 3

“Love You Long Time”

Another phenomenon that goes along with recalling past lives is the recognition of past life friends and family.  There are people we meet who strike us as oddly familiar and it’s not because they are just ‘similar’ to someone we know, it’s a very peculiar feeling of having known them intimately in another time, another place.  It’s different than simply having great chemistry or kinship.  In fact, it can even be someone that you don’t get along with.  In either case, you sense that you have interacted with this person in another form, another guise.  The fact that they have incarnated into a different body doesn’t fool you for long – you know their vibrational essence.

It’s a surreal moment because there is no evidence of your former ties – yet you cannot shake this feeling which is almost always reciprocated.  Neither of you may even believe in past lives but when this sensation happens, you start to think twice.  Interestingly enough, this recognition doesn’t guarantee that you will automatically be part of each other’s current lives.  Even though you may have spent a lifetime together before, this time it may only be a fleeting encounter.  If your destinies do weave together again, you will both hopefully cherish the incredible gift of this ‘second chance’.

Digging into my own archives, I see that the first person I felt this way about was my sister Estella.  The distinct feeling that I’ve known her in another life kept surfacing during our childhood yet I did not feel that way about any other family members.  We weren’t necessarily sisters in the other life but we were closely involved in some fashion.  In this life, after some early clashes, we agreed to be allies and built a very precious friendship in those formative years.  We were bestfriends and I was also a conscious mentor, sharing everything I knew with her while growing up.  I am grateful that we have this special bond – whether or not we can explain it.

My bestfriend Dhyanna and I also share a ‘past life’ recognition – we often talk about how lucky we are to have found each other yet again.  Perhaps we were blood family in one life or even lovers in another! But in this life, we are clearly soul sisters. One time, we were in Tofino BC, standing on a pier at night and we were suddenly transported to one of our previous lives together.  We were little girls of about 9 years old and we were holding each other’s hands in blissful friendship.  In total silence, we were having the same memory spontaneously flood in.

There have also been several men whom I’ve recognized as ‘past life’ relationships. Whether they were male or female in that other life, friend or lover, there remains a powerful connection and resonance from that reality.  Because we both feel this, we may sometimes mistake it as romantic attraction.  The love between us is palpable – perhaps due to the chemistry we cultivated in other lifetimes.  One time, I even traveled to another country to explore the possibility of partnership because our bond was so undeniable.  We briefly dreamed of a life together but in my heart, I soon saw that our lives would not intertwine in that way.   At the end of our visit, when he drove me to the airport, I sensed that he was once my blood brother.

On another occasion, I saw a photo of someone and immediately felt a powerful compulsion to hug this man.  When we met in person, the adoration was mutual and we immediately held each other in long embraces.  Whether we believed in past life memory or not, there was clearly an innate recognition neither of us could deny.  I remembered his soul energy from some ancient realm in my psyche and his wholehearted love reverberated easily into this life.  Though we were not to become partners, we shared many beautiful evenings cuddling and staring into each other’s eyes, feeling totally blissed out.

There are theories about “soul families” who supposedly manifest together in the same physical reality in order to help each other evolve.  Perhaps people with whom we share a great affinity are all cousins in our soul tribe!  And even those with whom we share a strong trigger or animosity are probably in our soul family.  They seem to get under our skins so easily yet are often hard to distance ourselves from.  (often born as part of our blood family – which ensures that we work together for better or worse).  If these soul groups tend to reincarnate together, then that could be an explanation for why we seem to find each other again and again, despite changing forms and eras.

If we are indeed an ensemble cast, then it’s not really so surprising to bump into each other on set, preparing for another day in the majestic cinema of Time-Space…

Footnote:  the Title of this Segment comes from a line in the film “Full Metal Jacket” which has become a common pop culture phrase…

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