Follow Your Fetish Workshop Series: Myth & The Sword Maiden

Sword Workshop Poster BLOG2

Monsoon Society and Follow Your Fetish Workshop Series presents:

Myth and the Sword Maiden:  
A Workshop for Women Exploring their Mythic Connection to the Sword

With professional martial artist Loki
and spiritual mentor Little Woo

Sunday July 6, 2014
341 East Broadway, Vancouver BC Canada
(at Ache Brasil Academy)

What does a Sword mean to you?  Have you ever drawn one?  Have you ever wanted to?  

On July 6, an intimate circle of women will explore their mythic connection to the Sword.

At this event, a very rare collection of swords (from different cultures, eras and countries) will be present.

This workshop provides an environment of mutual respect and emotional safety where each participant may handle as many as 30 unique blades, each true to their era, culture, and original design.

Note: This is not a martial arts, self-defense, weapons or sword fighting workshop!


Inspired by the profound personal experiences of women in contact with swords (in particular local yoga and gatka enthusiasts), Loki has facilitated previous workshops for women to explore and discover their unique connection to the sword.

While personal contact and safe movement with the swords will be emphasized, background historical context and basic concepts in their martial use will be offered.

sword-posterThe Mystery, Meaning and Power of the Sword

Whether mythic, karmic or culturally ingrained, the Sword is connected to the human story so deeply that even today almost anyone can recognize some part of themselves in its heft and its form.

For women, drawing a Sword from its sheath can ignite emotions mysteriously familiar and yet somehow forgotten.

Holding the Sword overhead can evoke energies that run through the body like lightning summoned to the earth.  As if speaking to the body’s cellular memory, the myth and history of the Sword draw the human spirit from its civilized sheath to discover itself again.

Though long a weapon of war and a symbol of aggression, the Sword carries the essence of nobility, courage and dignity.  Shadows, hidden passions and energies, cultural lineages and other questions await a chance to be awakened for self- realization.

Don’t miss this chance to examine your relationship with the Sword!

Discover how its power and its teachings may be applied to your own life to help you transform fear, indecision and self-doubt.

Workshop Details

Date: Sunday July 6, 2014
Time: 10am-6pm, with catered lunch
Location: 341 East Broadway, Vancouver BC Canada (at Ache Brasil Academy)

$157 if paid by June 19 (super early bird special)
$177 if paid by June 26 (early bird rate)
$197 regular rate

To register, please email Little Woo at

Your seat is confirmed upon receipt of tuition via interac banking transfer or paypal payment.

Class details will be sent to all confirmed participants by email!

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