8 Love Ninja Moves To Practice While Caregiving

Bringing Halloween to the Hospital

This fall, I was a chaperone for my Mom on a trip and then a caregiver after her accident.

Clearly, the universe was offering me an opportunity to find my fetish for caregiving…

So here is what i focused on… in case you are in a similar role:

❤ 8 Love Ninja Moves To Practice While Caregiving ❤

1) Think of caregiving as an art.  Infuse it with love and creativity whenever possible!

2) Aim to be gracious with even the most unlikely tasks.  (Even when you gotta wear surgical gloves)

3) Be sensitive to their hopes and fears – this will help you remain kind and patient while attending to their requests.

4) Serve humbly, without fanfare.

5) Focus on your role and refrain from being disappointed in others.

6) Be gentle with yourself in terms of expectations – you can’t do everything and martyrdom is overrated.

7) Balance the caregiving with sufficient self-care.  Whenever possible, replenish your batteries with healthy food, fun, exercise and rest.

8) Bring some playfulness and humor.  It’s amazing medicine for everyone.

And remember…


When someone is in pain and feeling a loss of independence, it’s a very difficult time for them.

They are often also struggling with sleep, food, elimination, mobility and privacy while receiving lots of needles, tests and heavy medications.

Amidst their suffering, they may be curt or short-tempered.  Normal niceties and politeness may fall by the wayside.

At the very least, their sensitivities and emotions may be more charged than usual. In the span of one day, they may experience many highs and lows.

So take a deep breath and let your empathy cushion everything.

They are on a rough ride so try your best not to take anything personally.

If you can swing it, have some fun with your caregiving role and bring all of yourself to it.

While you are being of service to your loved one, it can also be a magical time for self-discovery.

Waves of love,
xox little woo

P.S. If you have caregiving stories or tips to share – it would be greatly appreciated in the comments are below!

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